Sunday, July 7, 2024

July 7 - “Where’s Cantore?”

I “enjoyed” my enforced extra day off from walking. The blood blister on that toe on my right foot might be infected. It was all good, though. I used the opportunity to go put gas in the truck, just in case. I also interspersed texted weather reports to Waco. Felt just like Jim Cantore. Well, maybe not JUST like him. For that I would had to go in the backyard and had Chris spray water on me with the hose while I pretended to sway in the wind. Hmm. I might just do that. Oh, for those who don’t know, Jim Cantore is the Weather Channel’s most famous reporter who always goes to where the weather is expected to be the worst. He’s also a bit of a “worst case scenario, doom and gloom” guy. 

We had some time before the Astros game to make a quick Walmart run. Sam had some meds to pick up and … we needed bananas. Can’t face a storm without a few bananas hanging around. 

 Last night Chris and I went to the fundraiser for the Jamaica Beach Volunteer Fire Department (Just the two of us. That makes it count as a date, right?). It was their annual affair with live music, dancing, silent auction, and a barbecue plate full of chicken, sausage and brisket. Lauren told us they were now calling it a hurricane party. Woohoo! We tried to make the rounds, so to speak, and say hi to the people we knew. We got our barbecue to go, though. Had to take some back to Sam. Pretty good stuff. 

Today … we wait. She’s a’comin’, but supposed to hit south of us. Puts us on the dirty side, but far enough that it should just be tropical storm force winds and tides. Headed to church early so we can get Sam’s car and batten down her hatches. 

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭15‬:‭55‬-‭57‬ ‭ says, Death, where is your victory? Death, where is your sting? Now the sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!

Father, thank you for our volunteer fire department. Keep them safe in the course of their duties. Amen. 

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