Wednesday, July 17, 2024

July 17 - “rubbing it in??”

 Good start to the day. Did our two-miler. Even stopped to chat briefly with one of the retired fire fighters who live near us. I may or may not have bragged a little bit about our “horrible” two hours without power (good-naturedly, of course). He lives in the street that didn’t get power until til Saturday. He did have a comment, though. Something about “rubbing it in.”  I have no idea what he was talking about …

Back home, Chris had an agenda ready and waiting. We began the clean-out of the area under our deck stairs. It’s actually MaddieBelle’s “cooling off”spot, and she has made it her own. The hole she dug to stay cool was about a foot deep. The plan now is to fill it in with dirt, then put a layer of bricks, then add one of those plastic, molded kiddie swimming pools. 

And that plan led us to phase two of the agenda. A trip to Home Depot. Yep. Dirt time. It always feels weird when we buy dirt. Just dirt.  But that’s what came out of the hole, so that’s going back in. And we even found one of those swimming pools. Taking care of the granddog (while protecting the structural integrity of our deck!). 

Romans‬ ‭10‬:‭13‬ says, For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

Father, thank you that the rest of our neighbors finally got power back. That was quite the process. Amen. 

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