Saturday, July 6, 2024

July 6 - “YWD”

We had a YWD (yard work day) yesterday. Well, more like a yard work morning. Well, OK. For me it was more like a yard work two hours. Got started mowing at eight. Followed that up with tree and bush trimming. By ten I was done. Exhausted. Hot. Sore. Ready to stop. So I did. Of course Chris didn’t. She finished up all the sweeping and any other of the externals. So I stopped. No easing into it. Just stopped. The yard looks pretty good. At least good enough to greet ol’ Hurricane Beryl. 

Freddy got her bath after lunch. She wasn’t all that impressed, but she’s ready in case there might be an evacuation in her future. 

Speaking of which, it looks like ol’ Beryl is bouncing all over herself out there. She was heading to Mexico, but after a trip to Cancun, she decided she had enough of that country. Now she’s shifting to Texas. Maybe. Keeping our eyes on her, to be sure. 

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭1‬:‭7‬ says, For God has not given us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, love, and sound judgment.

Father, once again, please protect whoever ends up affected by the storm. Amen. 

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