Tuesday, July 23, 2024

July 23 - “A poem?”


What’s that I hear? 

Rain pattering against the roof and grounds? 


But wait a sec. 

I think it’s time for us to have a break. 

See what I did there? My high school poetry instructor would be proud. 

But we did wake up to yet another thunderstorm. We were all geared up to walk, too. But Chris is not one to let a little moisture rain on her parade. Nope. As soon as there was a window in the wet stuff, we took off. 

It was a bit noisy, but we managed to get the whole two miles in with only our sweat to keep us soggy. Well, that and the inevitable mosquito population. They are intensely attracted to human perspiration, you know. But, hey. All that swatting and shooing counts toward arm exercise, doesn’t it?

Sam had an appointment in the afternoon, but so did Chris, so a friend gave Sam a ride. Chris and I headed to the East End to see her “plumber” cardiologist. Just a regular checkup appointment. He adjusted her medications, but she is also scheduled for another treadmill stress test. Generally speaking, though, she’s doing pretty well. Woohoo!

So we are off to Waco to help run Josh’s basketball camp. I’m looking forward to this …

Philippians‬ ‭2‬:‭5‬ ‭ says, Make your own attitude that of Christ Jesus


Father, thanks for you for the doctor’s attention to detail. And be with my heart’s heart. Amen. 

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