Tuesday, July 16, 2024

July 16 - “Love me some bananas”

We were all set to walk yesterday, but a quick look at the weather forecast for the week changed our mind. Apparently we are going to get a lot of rain later in the week. So we decided to move up our yardwork day to get it in before any rains start. 

I did the mowing and edging, but I left the hard park for Chris - sweeping. Oh, and I also got to put the loppers to work again. Chris approved clearing out the middle part of the oleander in the front yard.   It was obstructing our view when coming in or out of the driveway … again.  Consider that one whupped. And we were pretty whupped, too. 

After lunch Chris had her regular checkup with her cancer doc. He told her just what she expected. In fact he used pretty much the exact words she predicted. “All looks good. See you in three months.” I’ll take that kind of news any day. I hasten to add here that those were not the only words he used.  He talked from the moment he entered the room until he left. Mostly it was about the storm. The best story was about the time he climbed on an eleven foot ladder during forty mph winds to screw down a section of roof that was flapping in the wind in danger of peeling off the whole roof if left untreated. Yep. Dangerous for sure. But the best part? His 110 pound wife was holding the ladder to make sure he didn’t fall. Appreciate the thought, Mrs. Doc. 

On the way home we popped in to Randall’s to pick up a prescription. Gotta visit those folks as much as possible. Word is there has been a buy out and that store is on the chopping block. Not sure what we’ll do without our beloved pharmacists. 

While we were there we had one more item to get. Well, make that two. Wait. I guess it would be more accurate to say six. One was an Antone’s po-boy sandwich for supper. But the other five? Well, we needed some more bananas. I missed my morning intake yesterday, and I can’t go more than a day without one. Love me some bananas. 

Psalms‬ ‭40‬:‭1‬-‭2‬ says, I waited patiently for the Lord, and He turned to me and heard my cry for help. He brought me up from a desolate pit, out of the muddy clay, and set my feet on a rock, making my steps secure.

Father, thanks for the great news from the doc. Now if we could hear something similar from the heart doc next week, we can really relax. Amen. 

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