Thursday, July 11, 2024

July 11 - “Lotta lights still out”

Chris had an appointment for a blood draw prior to her next cancer checkup next week. She didn’t walk. But I decided to give it a shot, even in the heat. 

It definitely turned into another Neighbor Walk. I waved at a little girl sitting on the porch staying as cool as possible with what looked like Mom and Dad and maybe Grandma and Grandpa as well. She was a real cutie. She even waved first. 

I met another neighbor for the first time. Again, he stopped me, just to chat. His first words were, “Do you see those four trash bags there?” I did. He then added, “That’s my freezer.”  Ouch. Poor guy. 

Speaking of poor guys … Pick me!  I was almost attacked by a dog the had escaped the clutches of it’s owner. It came at me with teeth bared and non-stop barking. Pair that with the non-stop yelling from its owner, and you have a … noisy situation. I escaped that initial encounter by telling the dog to go home and walking in that direction. I thought perhaps his less than amiable “greeting” was complete, but no. When I reached about three houses away, he broke loose again. This time I went straight for the “Come on. Let’s go home,” and began retracing my steps. He stayed about six feet away (canine social distancing, I guess), and continued the verbal barrage. Fortunately, this time the owner picked up the dog and forced it into the house. Oh. Did I mention that the dog had one of those high-pitched, whiney voices. Yep. Yippy. And it was about the size of Freddy! Yippy-Dog, for sure. Frightening. 

Several other neighbors waved and smiled.  Then, just before I got home, Stephanie, the lady down the street, stopped me to chat as well. She was worried about Chris since I was alone. Love it when neighbors know you well enough to ask. 

Speaking of Chris, she texted me to let me know she made it to UTMB. she said her blood pressure was up, though. In her words, “Scary drive - people don’t know what to do when lights are out!!”

After lunch we made our trip over to Walmart to replenish our grandkids snack supply. Oh, we needed some other stuff too, I suppose. But the snacks? Had to happen. 

Late afternoon we had a visitor. Helen, from Seaside and home group, came over. The power is still out at her apartment complex, so she needed a place to wash clothes. Well, and cool off, too. Like the night before when Doug came by just to chat. And come to find out, he was on his way to Corey and Janell’s to do the same.  I think Doug was getting hot. Glad we could be here and be cool for you guys. 

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬-‭17‬ says, All Scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.

Father, bless our neighbors with peace and a desire to draw close to you. Amen. 

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