Wednesday, July 24, 2024

July 24 - “Boom! (Again)”

We got all loaded up and on the road by about 9. It had already rained some, but there was a long break in the weather just as I had to start putting stuff in the car. We weren’t out of the weather danger yet, however. All was fine up until we left Buc-ees. Not long after we turned onto highway 6, the bottom dropped. Rain didn’t just fall. It exploded from the sky. That was in addition to the lightning and subsequent thunder very near to us. And that didn’t stop until we got past Navasota. And even then the clouds remained quite ominous. Like the kind in the movies that breed tornadoes. 

We even chatted about what to do if you’re in a car and a tornado is coming and there are no concrete overpasses to park under. Drive faster somewhere? Get out and run? Stop the car and jump in a ditch? We opted to just turn on the emergency flashers like everybody else and keep on plodding on. We eventually made our way through to the other side. Of course it was raining in Waco, too, but not nearly as hard. Yay!

Basketball camp was a lot of fun. Well, it was for me, anyway. We had almost 25 boys and even a few girls out to learn about the game, hone some skills, or just in general learn to love the game. I worked with another dad on some specifics of making V-cuts and driving to the basket. I think the kids are learning. 

After camp we went over to watch Zak play softball. Sadly, they had one of those games like Seaside used to have (except we actually made a spectacle of it!). The ump called the game when the score reached 23-3. Only 7 of the guys on Zak’s team got to bat. I hope those guys are at least having fun. I know most of the Seasiders did. 

AnnaGrace was very excited about her Broadway Dance Camp. They will be performing on Friday. And Caleb has been at Worship Camp, learning the ins and outs of leading worship. 

‭‭1 John‬ ‭4‬:‭19‬ says, We love because He first loved us.

Father, in the midst of all their busy, help the boys and AnnaGrace get the rest they need this week. Amen. 

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