Wednesday, July 3, 2024

July 3 - “Unfortunately … fortunately”

The day started off as has become sort of our “usual.” We walked. Two miles. In the heat. Checked off our 35-40 minutes of workout. 

Back home Chris headed right out to get the sprinkler going on the grass in the front yard. Actually the grass is doing as well as can be expected. The azalea bushes … not so much. But they perked right up with the drink of water. 

Meanwhile, I actually worked on a couple of sermons. I’ll be preaching for Kel on July 28 and August 4.  Woohoo!

Kel came by in the late morning. He stopped by to pick up a package that was delivered here for Christina. They have been trying to get that straightened out for a long time. 

For those wondering … yes, we are 

watching the oncoming storm.  Category five is enough to get anyone’s attention. We’re rooting for the high pressure ridge to strengthen over the Gulf. That’ll push the hurricane south of us. 

We did a quick Walmart and  Randall’s run. At Walmart we were strolling down a random aisle when a guy I had just passed nervously said, “Don’t I know you?”  I wasn’t sure at first that he was talking to me. But I’m always up for talking to someone new. So I turned to face him. 

Well, I must say, he looked vaguely familiar to me. No name came to mind, of course, but I felt like I should know that face. He didn’t hesitate, though. He asked my name (as if he hadn’t already seen it on the back of my fire department cap. I told him, and his face lit up. “I think I took care of your Dad when he was in the nursing home.”  

Yep. That was it. John was one of our favorites, too. He genuinely cared for Dad, and was always gentle and affirming with him. We were happy to hear that he was happy in his life after his nursing home gig. He now does private duty nursing care. 

From there we went to Randall’s. Several things on our list there. Two prescriptions. Two cartons of BlueBell ice cream (on sale, but you could only buy two).  We got the pistachio almond version for Chris. 

Before heading home we got some gas there at the Randall’s pumps. Even had a ten cents a gallon off bonus. Unfortunately, on the way home, I remembered that I forgot to tear off the receipt. I couldn’t even remember how much gas we put in, much less what the monetary total was. Chris turned around on the off-chance the ticket was still there. 

Unfortunately, it was not. But on the off-chance it was possible, I walked over to the attendant to ask if I could get a copy. Fortunately, the guy was very helpful. After a couple of tries, he found ours and happily handed over the copy. Phew!  

Proverbs‬ ‭18‬:‭21‬ says, Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.

Father, please bless John in his caring endeavors. Amen. 

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