Sunday, July 21, 2024

July 21 - “Bad Vibrations”

Well, we had quite the experience the other night. And never had to leave our house. We actually were transported back in time almost 50 years. Yep. We were “blessed” to experience none other than … a vibrating bed for the first time since our wedding night. And this time we didn’t even have to insert two quarters. 

Now you have to understand … we didn’t particularly like it back then. We were both relieved when the silly thing finally stopped. Oh, we laughed - a lot - back then. Young and in love, you know?  Well, this time things were a tad … um … different. 

First off, there was nothing mechanical involved that we could turn on and off. And it wasn’t about to run out of time and shut off on its own. Nope. The source of vibration this time was strictly … umm … mammalian. Yep. One tiny, eight pounds of specifically canine-type mammalian energy, otherwise known as … Freddy. 

See, a line of thunderstorms- a loooong line of thunderstorms - was blowing through sometime after we went to bed (and before the end of the Astros late, West Coast game). And Freddy doesn’t like thunderstorms. And the way Freddy responds to thunderstorms? She paces and shakes and shivers. And in this case, the shivers were so severe that the whole bed was shaking. 

But then it got worse! Her pacing caused her to move from her regular spot at the foot of the bed to our pillows. Have you ever tried to sleep with your pillow literally shaking? And add to that a little dog panting and intermittently pacing. I finally got up and moved to the couch. Chris finally stuffed her completely under the covers. 

That worked until right before the next loud clap of thunder. Of course Freddy could sense when it was coming. Oh. And we don’t have drapes in the windows in our den, so I was treated to a light show in the sky. And that lasted well into the wee hours of the morning. Not much sleep around our house.

Yesterday morning we got up (not that it was early. We saw early much earlier) and drove up to Dickinson to watch three of our LaMarque kiddos compete. Micah and Josiah both got on the medal stand. Ezra, however, smoked his competition in the light saber battles. They called it stick fighting, but they used pool noodles and wailed on each other with them. Ezra ended up undefeated in his division. First place trophy there! Proud of you guys. 

On the way home we stopped off at Nathan’s house. He was at work, and we ended up waking up April and Cailyn. It was great to see them, though. It’s been too long. Oh. We also got to see Cailyn’s friend Aubrey. She spent the night. Good to see you, too, Aubrey. 

Proverbs‬ ‭27‬:‭17‬ says, Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another.

Father, thank you for the rain. I could do with it being a little quieter while it’s falling, though. So could Freddy. Amen. 

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