Thursday, July 18, 2024

July 18 - “Hearing from the fishermen”

Started out with two miles again. I think my body is almost used to that. And back at the house waiting patiently for us to return? Well, yes. Freddy, too. But I was talking about those four bags of dirt we bought the day before. Not gonna empty themselves. 

We grabbed each bag, whopped it a few times with the take, tore it open, and dumped it out. Then we had to stomp it down some to give it a head start toward settling. Then we leveled out what we could. And then the swimming pool made the leap into place. Fit like a glove. But we were not done yet. Oh, no. Then we placed the slate pieces back. That’s worse than a jigsaw puzzle. More like a psychological test or a kid’s game. Both are about as difficult. And then we filled in some of the remaining space with bricks. Yep. My back was definitely barking. 

After some lunch we were getting ready to make a Walmart run when I got a text from Josh. It was pictures of the results of the deep sea fishing trip he took the boys on. All four of them were showing off nice sized red snappers. But Zakary could barely hold his up. Yep. It was that big. Josh said it was the biggest one he had ever seen. Nice job, guys! And then they were able to take the fish to a local restaurant where the chef prepared the fish for them. Fried, grilled, and blackened red snapper. Christi said they didn’t talk for twenty minutes. Their mouths were too busy!

We did make that Walmart run. The primary purpose was to make sure Sam was well-stocked since we’ll be in Waco next week for that basketball camp. And speaking of basketball, I may or may not have purchased a whistle (couldn’t find my old one). Never know when you might need to subvert the head coach’s concentration. 

Proverbs‬ ‭31‬:‭30‬ says, Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord will be praised.

Father, thank you for guiding those boys to a great fishing trip. Amen. 

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