Sunday, March 31, 2024

March 31 - “He is risen!”

Well, the big Easter weekend festivities have officially begun. Yesterday Seaside was asked to play a big part in the Jamaica Beach community Easter egg hunt and party at the park. We arranged to use the Galveston Baptist Association block party trailer. It has all sorts of things in it: bounce houses, popcorn machine, sno-cone machine, grill, even a variety of outdoor games. We also had folks helping with the egg hunt as well as just hanging out at some of the stations to help as needed. And we had the biggest turnout of people ever. Thanks and kudos to Seasider Sandy for being the go-between with the city. 

Also happening were the early preparations for Easter Sunday. Suzann and her crew were getting tables set up and decorated for the breakfast for the community that happens after the sunrise service. Greg had his team of musicians all tuned up, and the ones who plan to be on hand at 4:15 a.m. for set-up were fine-tuning their schedule of operations. Pastor Kel was busy with last-minute touches to his three sermons for the three different services: sunrise on the beach at 6:30, then 9:30 and 11:00. The ones scheduled for baptism in the beach were getting excited (as were the ones doing the baptizing).  The Jamaica Beach Volunteer Fire Department and police department were preparing for their respective roles overseeing operations for traffic and safety. And hundreds of people from the community and beyond were setting alarms to get there on time. Cailyn even made her way down to Galveston to spend the night with us so she could go to the sunrise service, too. 

All of that culminates today! Come on down to the beach (at Jamaica Beach) if you’re already awake. If you missed the 6:30 time, come on over to Seaside for some breakfast, and stay for the 9:30 service. Or if you slept in a bit, get here by 11 for the third service. See you soon!

Romans‬ ‭6‬:‭5‬ ‭ says, For if we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his.

Father, be with us this morning for all of the services. Especially be with those getting baptized and those who meet you for the first time. Amen. 

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