Thursday, March 21, 2024

March 21 - “Truck passed”

I got an earlier than usual start yesterday. Well, I don’t include the 5 am wake up call from nowhere. I mean actually getting started outside the house. I had to take the truck in to Dennis to get an inspection. He forgot to tell me that he planned to sleep in, though. I ended up waking him up. Sorry about that, my friend. He says he is enjoying his semi-retirement. Oh, the truck passed. All ready to go grab the registration sticker. 

Our next stop was Chris’ doctor appointment. They had to draw some bloodwork as a preliminary to her other appointment with the cancer doctor next week. Praying that all is still well on that front. 

We did swing by the old courthouse downtown to get that sticker. I’m glad they kept these offices there. Gives people an excuse to experience at least a part of downtown. 

Oh, and while we were there we drove by the Cordray’s newest project. We saw an episode of their TV show (Restoring Galveston) the night before where they had begun working on the exterior. The structure is called The Mansard House. Not sure about its history. We missed the first part of the show. But they do a really good job restoring rather than demolishing old homes. And from the sounds of it, they plan to actually operate the house as an inn for tourists. More power to ya, guys!

Luke‬ ‭1‬:‭49‬ says, for he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.

Father, thank you for Dennis and his willingness to get out of bed and inspect the truck. Bless him. Amen. 

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