Friday, March 15, 2024

March 15 - “Big 12”

Sam had a doctor appointment yesterday, so they left around 9:45 with plans to be gone pretty much all day. I used the time to go on a two-mile walk. 

That walk was followed by a day of Big 12 tournament basketball. Texas Tech started off by really putting it to BYU. Next was University of Houston vs TCU. Same result. Houston won by … a lot. 

To my double surprise … first, Kel stopped by on his way out to the church. He and I chatted and kept an eye on the basketball game. Surprise number two was that Chris and Sam pulled up right around 2:00. Sure thought they would take longer. 

The night basketball games started with Iowa State vs Kansas State. Couldn’t watch all of that one, though. Home group started right in the middle of it. Found out later that Iowa State advanced rather easily. 

After home group the final game of the night (for me, anyway) began, Baylor vs. Cincinnati. We enjoyed a cup of ice cream before Sam went on to bed. I think Baylor’s three-point shooters had all gone to bed, too. Terrible start. But they eventually woke up. Baylor erased the early deficit and took the lead. Cincy just wouldn’t quite go away, though. I wouldn’t call it a nail-biter, but it felt close all the way. Baylor did end up with the win. 

Matthew‬ ‭6‬:‭3‬ says, But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

Father, thanks for another chance to hang out with the home group. Amen. 

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