Wednesday, August 3, 2022

August 3 - “Surprise by critter”

We woke up early with the intent of investigating our surroundings. Luke was the first one up, and he was the first to point out to me … a baby deer in the back yard. That sighting was followed in rapid succession with the bunny by Christi and several chipmunks that AG and Luke watched. And of course there was the serenade by the big crow who was angered by the obnoxious sounds of a truck backing up. Last night the fawn was back. I’m not sure who was most startled by his sudden appearance, though - Caleb or the deer. Oh, and Zak commented on the unusual smell in the air. Josh told him that’s what air is supposed to smell like. Yum.


We finally left the house a little after 8:30 to head for the park. Us kids all had “our” walking sticks at the ready. We did have to wait fifteen minutes or so to get in, but once inside, everything was really easy. We went right to Bear Lake, the most popular destination. Thought we’d take care of that one first. We hiked around the lake, letting the boys create their own trails up and down the mountain. Next we went to Alberta Falls, absolutely the most impressive sight so far. On the way we saw and played with numerous chipmunks, and then we had a picnic lunch by the side of the trail. Very pleasant time.  It was at the top, though, that we were most impressed. All that water crashing down the side of the mountain was absolutely beautiful.  Not that I’m prejudiced in favor of all things water.  Hey, the last waterfall I hiked to see was frozen, so this one was downright exciting.


We did go to two different visitor centers to get Chris a stamp for her book. She was excited. We also got Luke and AnnaGrace Junior Ranger books. I think Luke will have fun with his. Not sure about AnnaGrace, though. To be a Junior Ranger they have to take an oath. Christi went over it with AnnaGrace. You have to keep the park clean. Check. You can’t feed the animals. “Umm. But if they need to be fed and I can help them, I will.”  Gray area, I guess. But then came the clincher: “Don’t pick the flowers.”  Whoa, wait a second. Back the boat up. Her comment? “Nope. Can’t do that. Guess it looks like I won’t be on that team.”


We made our way back to the house for a break. I dozed off. Around four we headed out for dinner. Several places had been recommended, so first on the list … a burger shack inside a Shamrock station. And believe it or not, that was some pretty good food. Can’t wait to see what is next on the food list. Neither can Zak.  He’s always ready to go out to eat,  Speaking of food lists, after dinner we drove over to Safeway to get some much needed culinary supplies. Cinnamon rolls. Apple strudels. Pop tarts. We also picked up a few extraneous items like milk and bread and eggs. Oh, and we filled the car up with gas. Plans are to drive the Trail Ridge Parkway this morning.


Psalms 119:114 says, You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.


Father, thank you for the interactions the kids had with chipmunks yesterday. It was fun watching AnnaGrace’s eyes light up. Amen.

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