Monday, August 29, 2022

August 29 - “Waiting Room Waiting Room”

We had a different kind of awakening yesterday. I got a text from our good church friend Sam. She was asking if we could take her to the hospital. We hurried to get dressed and drove out to Bay Harbor to pick her up. I knew she wasn’t doing so well when she asked to go to UTMB instead of up to Clear Lake to her usual hospital. She was having some pretty severe pains that needed to be checked out. They ran the usual array of tests with X-rays and scans and bloodwork. 


At the emergency room we had an interesting experience. Check in was great. Very easy and helpful. I pushed Sam in the wheelchair while Chris went to park the car. They issued me a face mask. Yay. They took us right back and set us up in a room. All of that went as planned. Not so much with Chris, though. 


When she returned and checked in at the desk, she found out that they were being pretty strict about the one visitor rule. Not a problem. She understood completely. So she gathered up her purse and phone and headed for a seat in the Waiting Room where she could settle in and get comfortable. But wait. The clerk called out to her. “You can’t wait in there.”  Umm. But wasn’t that the Waiting Room? Well, it used to be. Now it’s the Non-waiting Waiting Room. No waiting allowed. Now you have to go downstairs to the Snack Area and Vending Room Waiting Room. It has tables and chairs. That’s the new WaitingRoom Waiting Room. Well, OK then. 


I prayed with Sam and hung out for a while, then I went down to the Waiting Room Waiting Room to tap out and let Chris be with Sam for a while. While there I watched Seaside on Facebook on my phone. Even did communion with them. Sort of. I had an oats and honey granola bar and some leftover coffee. I found out later that Chris and Sam were watching as well, so I guess we all went to church. 


The doc finally came back with the results of the tests. Looks like the problem is probably related to her cancer situation. She is supposed to see her oncologist as soon as possible. She could use some prayers.


Romans 8:28 says, And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.


Father, please be with Sam as she wades through this next step in her life adventure. Grant her relief from pain. Amen

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