Wednesday, August 24, 2022

August 24 - “Hilton Hogwash”

I woke up to a downpour again. Not sure how long it has been going on, but it didn’t last all that long. It started up again about the time Chris got up, but again stopped pretty quickly. It stayed dry enough for us to get our two miles in.


Before we left I called the Hilton Hotel people. We had two very strange charges to our account for the hotel stays in Amarillo. There might have been a day when I let that slide, but that was the hotel with the bedbugs and the improperly installed shower door handle that scratched my back. I was on the line with them a long time and ended up having to wait for a call back later from the hotel manager. They assured me the unknown charges would be deleted, though. We’ll see.


Our evening was spent crashing in front of the TV. Pearland played an elimination game at the Little League World Series. At the same time, the Astros were playing on another channel. Baseball overload. And to top it all off, the good guys won both games.  Woohoo.


1 John 4:19 says, We love because he first loved us.


Father, thank you for always going first. Amen.

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