Friday, April 30, 2021

April 30 – “The menagerie grows”

It is rapidly coming down to the wore for our trip.  Yesterday I mowed and ran the weedeater in the yard while Chris cleaned house for home group.  She likes everything to at least look nice when we leave.  That always confused me.  Why bother?  No one is here to enjoy the neatness.  But this time there is a reason behind it.  Nathan and April moved in last night.  It is just a temporary thing though.  They are waiting for their house purchase to be finalized and closing to happen.  Then they want to do the usual cleaning and probably some painting before they actually move in.  for now, most of their belongings are in a storage unit.  The rest are here, waiting for just the right spot to open up for them to “live” for the foreseeable future.  Oh, and their presence means that the menagerie has officially grown.  With Kel’s additions, we now have five dogs, two dwarf hamsters, two goldfish, eight chickens, and a sea monster (which, by the way, has apparently given up the ghost.  Not moving this morning.  What an awesome crowd.  I almost wish we were gonna be here to fully experience it all.  Almost.


Brennan stopped by after baseball practice the other day.  He wanted to check on Simmelveis the Sea Monster.  Came back the next day to deliver his Kids Camp forms and deposit.  Looks like the decision of the maritime biologist Lauren and the consummate researcher Janell is … Simmelveis is some sort of copepod.  The kind that lives in any kind of water and eats algae.  In fact, we probably ingest them every day with our drinking water.  Frightening.  I couldn’t interest Janell in taking a sip of the Simmelveis infested waters, though.  So it would be food for the fish and help clean its tank.  I guess. 


We made a Sam’s run yesterday.  Had to pick up supplies for the fund raiser we have scheduled for tomorrow.  Serving food at the Sea Isle Craft Fair.  All free (for a donation if you have one).  Proceeds go to help our kids get to camp.  Of course all that is contingent on whether the event is still on.  It is raining right now, and it is scheduled to rain all day tomorrow a swell.  We’ll see. 


Isaiah 53:5 says, “But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.”


Father, thank you for the chance to share in life with Nathan and April again.  At least this time the reason is more fun than hurricane aftermath. Amen.

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