Thursday, April 22, 2021

April 22 – “RV Life?”

Yep. It was cold yesterday.  And it got even colder when I went for my walk.  Chris went to rehab, so she was inside.  I was hoping she would kindly assure me that it would be fine for me to skip one day walking.  Especially when the wind chill was a brisk 45 degrees.  Nope.  She said, and I quote, “Hey, I don’t skip rehab.  You can’t skip walking.”  Ouch.  Total guilt trip.  I walked.  In the cold.  Wore two sweatshirts.  And gloves.  And a hoodie over my ears.  Tied up like an eskimo.  And I didn’t emerge from my cocoon until well into mile three.  Did I mention that it was cold?


On a brighter note, we got to see the Humphries Family one last time before they headed on their road trip to Austin.  They came by on their way out of town.  We also got to take a tour of the RV they rented for the trip.  It was really nice, especially for a large family road trip.  Lauren gave Chris all sorts of little tips they have learned about RV living.  I don’t think we’ll be using one on our trip, though.  I’m just not that interested in driving a tank.  And once we get to where we are going, it’s hard enough to find places to park in a car.  Maybe some day.  If a driver comes with it. 


We started a new puzzle.  2000 pieces.  It covers our entire little table.  I got the pouter edges all done, but I have an extra flat-edged piece.  Interesting phenomenon.  Guess I’ll have to see if it has crept in from some other puzzle or if it really does have a place in the middle somewhere.  I have most of the words located so far, but there are still a ton of pieces to go.  Maybe we can finish before we leave.  Hmm.  About two weeks …


Psalms 24:1 says, “The earth is the Lord’s and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.”


Father, please drive with the Humphries as they get situated in Austin for some time there.  Thank you for working out for them to see so many friends from this area.  May that same blessing carry through in Austin.  Amen.

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