Wednesday, April 28, 2021

April 28 - “Beginning the zoo ...”

 We had a house full of visitors yesterday.  Kel and Christina went to lunch, so all of their kiddos stayed with us.  And said kiddos may or may not have helped just a tad with our most recent jigsaw puzzle.  Well, actually ... between us we finished it.  They have quite the eye for detail, especially Micah and Noa.  Well, to be exact, Chris finished it, as usual.  Last piece to make it official and all.  As it turned out, there was one piece missing from the puzzle.  Sort of.  Oh, there were 2000 pieces included, all right.  But one of them didn’t fit anywhere.  We are thinking it is from one of the other puzzles that our friends Mike and Celia gave us.  Some evil plot to drive us totally insane trying to make it fit.  What they didn’t realize, however was the hole in their diabolical plot.  Driving someone insane doesn’t work when they are already quite crazy on their own.  Now we are just driven to find the real puzzle to which the errant piece actually does belong.  When they left, they left their little dog, Leia, with us.  The family is going to New Braunfels for the weekend, so Leia gets to spend some time with her favorite cousin Freddy.  Oh, and the little rat-ish things.  Guinea pigs?  Hamsters?  Not sure which.  They took turns running in their spinning wheel for the whole first hour they were here.  How can they still be so fat?

We also saw Nathan and April and Cailyn.  They are immersed in the throes of preparing to move.  Last night they began bringing stuff over here that they don’t really want to put into storage.  All of April’s outdoor and indoor plants now line our fence in the back yard.  A few televisions are propped on a bed in the yellow bedroom.  A couple of goldfish swim in their natural habitat aquarium.  Oh, and something exciting came with the fish.  At least, something was swimming with the fish.  A teeny tiny something.  No idea what it was.  A baby, maybe?  And errant sea monster, more probably.  April isolated the creature from the other two and was determined to flush it.  But kind-hearted Cailyn came to its rescue.  Well, maybe it was scientist-brained Cailyn.  Either way, the mystery sea monster now has its own Tupperware dish to flit about at its leisure.  I gave it a tiny flake of fish food last night after Chris went to bed.  I’ve been. Wondering if that was wise.  Should you feed a sea monster after dark?  Only time will tell ...

John 13:34 says, “A new command I give you: Love one another.  As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”

Father, help Nathan and April get all the details worked out for their move and for the two houses involved.  And give Kel and his family a great weekend together.  Amen.

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