Thursday, February 11, 2021

February 11 – “Hands”

I went to the hospital the other day to try out my new minister’s badge for the first time.  Actually, we sent another Seasider to the cath lab.  No, NOT CHRIS this time.  This time it was Tom, one of our regular winter Texans from Missouri.  I don’t think Chris or Tom, either one, intended to start a trend around here, though.  Two Seasiders in one year is well beyond our quota. 


Tom and Jean were the couple wearing all the Kansas City Chiefs football gear at church on Sunday morning.  I told Tom when I saw him in the hospital that he need not get so invested in the football game that a loss gives him a heart attack.  Jean assured me it happened before the game, though.  Probably his exertion setting up for their company that night. 


Tom and Jean were both in great spirits when I saw him before the heart cath on Tuesday.  Jean was all over the medical info.  One would think she was a retired nurse or something.  I turned them over to our Seasider nurse who works in the cath lab.  I knew they would be in excellent hands with Teri.  Especially when I texted her and asked that she take care of them.  She replied, “Challenge accepted.” 


As it turned out, the cath showed a bit more than they had hoped for.  Tom now has to have open heart surgery on Friday.  He is in good hands, though.  Oh … sure.  He has good doctors, too.  That’s not the hands I meant, though.  I was talking about steadier hands.  Calmer hands.  Wiser hands.  Powerful hands.  Loving hands.  HIS hands.


Proverbs 17:22 says, “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.”


Father, please watch over Tom and Jean as they walk through their next few days and weeks.  Watch over their boys as they travel to be here with Mom and Dad.  And direct the hands and minds of the doctors and nurses.  Amen.

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