Wednesday, September 30, 2020

September 30 – “a third set of eyes …”

Chris had a bone density test yesterday.  I’m not sure what that’s for.  Apparently, it consists of a couple of x-rays to make sure she’s not melting down from the inside out.  Not doubt a side effect of some rare random hybrid of the Covid.  Everything else seems to be.  She said all she had to do was lie down on a table and wait while a little bar made its way slowly, closer and closer to her face.  Yep.  She was … uncomfortable.  Even though it was just a little bar and she wasn’t in the dreaded MRI chamber of death, her claustrophobia kicked in.  All worked out well, though.  It stopped just short of the land of no return.  Or the land of “that thing is not getting any closer to my face or I will claw my way off this table and …”  Well, you get the picture.  In fact, the whole thing only took about ten or fifteen minutes.  Guess she passed.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch (no, not a literal ranch.  Where did that saying come from anyway?), I spent some time trying to catch up on the Monday work I missed because of the MRI I had.  I wanted to get as much done as possible before we have to go to my appointment with the neurosurgeon this afternoon.  I did talk to him on the phone already, but he said I could still come in and see the actual MRI pictures.  Besides, we have been accumulating questions about possible surgery and about what kind of life-quality I would have with or without it.  In fact I still have to go through them all and do some organizing of thoughts before we leave.  This is one of those occasions where I plan to play my hard of hearing card to make sure Chris gets to come to the appointment with me.


We did watch the Astros game in the afternoon.  They surprised the world by actually winning their first playoff game.  Keep it going, Guys.


2 Peter 1:3 says, “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.”


Father, please come with us to that appointment this afternoon.  We could use a third set of ears in there.  Amen.

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