Friday, September 25, 2020

September 25 – “AAR Day”

 It was AAR Day - Attempt At Redemption Day - yesterday.  The hearing aid place finally called to reschedule the appointment they failed to keep the other day.  Lots of “I’m sorry’s” and attempts at explanation.  Seems “Someone” was supposed to call all the clients and inform us that the office was to be closed because of the tropical storm.  Uh huh.  And “Someone” simply fell down on the job.  Yeah, that “Someone” person tends to wreak havoc wherever he goes. 


As it turned out, Someone was actually on site this time when I arrived.  The audiologist was not there, but the receptionist was.  Seems she has been trained to clean the hearing aids and even look in people’s ears with the cool machine that broadcasts the internal image onto a huge television screen.  She can’t do anything about what she sees, of course.  In fact the company is not even allowing the audiologist to reach in there with her tools and scrape out excess wax and gunk.  There might be Covid lurking in there, you know?  She did a pretty good job inside my head.  Found the eardrum with ease on the left.  Had a little more trouble on the right, though.  She discovered that my ear canal over there has an extra twist in it that makes accessibility a bit more difficult.  Hey, I can’t make things too easy, now, can I? 


I do like her, though.  She’s very personable.  She asked about my back issues and promised to pray for me.  She even asked me what I wanted to be called, being a pastor and all.  I told her I get called all sorts of things, so she could take her pick.  I think she settled on “Pastor,” but I assured her she could keep calling me Kelley if she wanted.  Hey, the old geezer who was leaving as I arrived got called “Sweetie.”  Guess they have something special …


Matthew 5:41 says, “And whoever compels you to go a mile, go with him two.”


Father, thank you for Marcie over at the hearing aid place.  She really seems to love you and wants to follow you.  Bless her efforts and draw her closer to you.  Amen.

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