Thursday, September 3, 2020

September 3 – “I Spring Break”

Yesterday morning.  I finished my blog entry and slowly leaned back in my chair.  Can’t take too many chances with that thing, you know.  But I didn’t hear the same … quiet that I am used to.  From the Little’s bedroom wafted the praise music they fall asleep to that continues throughout the night, mixed with the background whooshing from the sound machine that also fills any dead space with noise.  I couldn’t understand all the words, except of course when they sang the song “Jesus Loves Me,” but the music was soft and endearing.  It was a nice respite.  I don’t think I could easily get to sleep with it playing, though.  I prefer the quiet. 


It didn’t last long, though.  Chris joined me first.  Then came Ezra.  Then Noa.  Then the three of them disappeared into the kitchen to make some cinnamon rolls.  Wow.  Bacon and eggs the day before and now cinnamon rolls.  Can’t beat that for breakfast, right? 


Later in the day I heard Noa and Ezra playing together.  They had a toy workbench and Noa was explaining things to her little brother.  “It’s righty-tighty; lefty loosey.”  Ezra thought that was just about the funniest thing he had ever heard. 


And later, as she prepared to do some schoolwork with Noa, Nana said to three-year-old Ezra, “Come on, Ezra, I have some schoolwork for you to do, too.”  Without missing a beat he replied, “I Spring Break.”  Nice Groot-ish rejoinder, young man.


We did a day-long break from all media.  That was not a problem for the little ones.  They just grabbed some toys and played on.  Josiah had a bit of a problem with it, but I explained that all the devices had been mysteriously transported into another dimension. 


Chris had chauffer duty to get everyone to martial arts.  That meant picking up the two older guys from their house, driving to the gym, sitting outside until they finished, and keeping Ezra entertained (and awake) by watching for big trucks on the freeway.  DadDad even got a FaceTime call as a distraction.  After the lesson it was back to their house to wait for Dad to get home.  Then all but Dad and Josiah crawled back into the car for yet another adventure.


This time the crew drove over to Chick Fil A for a chicken sandwich.  And why go there?  Because courtesy of Michael Brantley on the Astros who hit a home run off the foul pole, chicken sandwiches were free.  Jachin got a kick out of being the customer instead of the server. 


And finally the night came to a close.  Astros won a close one.  Jachin and Micah put in a movie.  The rest of us retired to our respective sleeping cubicles.  Let’s do this again tomorrow.


Romans 13:10 says, “Love does no harm to a neighbor.  Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.”


Father, please be with us on this last day of “Mom at Disney Week.”  And give Mom and PawPaw a safe trip home tomorrow.  Amen.

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