Wednesday, May 13, 2020

May 13 – “Visit of the Whirlwind”

Our day was blessed yesterday with a visit from a Whirlwind.  No, it’s not quite hurricane season.  Cailyn spent the day with us since both her parents were at work.  And, boy did she ever earn her keep. 

It was time to bathe Freddy and give her a flea treatment, so Cailyn jumped right into the mix.  She grabbed the vacuum cleaner and took care of both rug areas as well as the two chairs that Freddy hangs out in.  Then she climbed right in the bathtub with the dog to make sure her little client received the best spa treatment ever.  She even continued the massage treatment well into the afternoon (aka brushing away shedding hair).  I’m pretty sure Freddy will welcome her back every bath day.

And during the down time at the pet spa, Cailyn pulled me away from my computer work station.  She said I needed a break and she needed someone to “work” with her a little bit on our latest jigsaw puzzle.  Yeah, I haven’t mentioned this one much.  It is a tough one.  1000 pieces, but it’s all snow and trees.  Not much variation in color or pattern.  It’ll be a while before the completion announcement on that one, even with the outside help.  Oh, and somewhere in there she made me a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

The highlight of the Cailyn incursion, however, had to be the Kids’ Baking Championship in the kitchen.  Between Cailyn and Chris they must have perused a hundred recipes for everything from sugar cookies to sheet cakes.  But the winning selection was lemon cupcakes.  Chris pulled out all the stops, and they created a couple of dozen cupcakes with lemon icing that actually reminded me of pudding pie.  Cailyn said next time she wanted to put a lemon curd on the inside.  Now that would certainly put it over the top on its road to pudding pie-dom.  Oh, what’s pudding pie?  Only one of my all-time favorite lemon-y desserts – one my own Nannie used to make.

Finally, I have to make mention of a commercial I saw on TV.  I thought it was going to be that tear-jerker one that plays all the time about the dogs that need your help to rescue them from horrific abuse and such.  Same music.  But it wasn’t dogs you would be saving this time.  Nope.  I did a double-take.  This was save the polar bears.  Send in your money to adopt a polar bear.  For eight dollars a month you can get your very own Polar Bear Adoption Kit.  And why do you need to save a polar bear?  Because they need polar ice.  I guess that costs eight bucks a bag …

Matthew 20:28 says, “… just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Father, thank you for our time with Cailyn.  She’s really growing up.  Guess that’s how you made her, huh?  Nice job.  Amen.

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