Thursday, November 8, 2018

November 8 – “Frustrating … annoying … intermittent”

I had a frustrating night.  After going to bed around 10, I woke up at 11:30 with an annoying ache in my bad knee.  Why annoying?  Because it was intermittent.  It would wait until I was almost asleep, then hit again.  It would disappear when I re-positioned my leg, but it didn’t take long for that ache just behind the kneecap to return with a vengeance.  I’m not sure why.  Maybe it’s the impending change in our weather.  I didn’t go for a walk when Chris went for hers.  I had lots of trouble after the two miles the day before, so she kind of put me on lock down. 

I finally got up and moved to my recliner in the other room so I wouldn’t keep Chris awake.  I had already taken the appropriate medication and it was too early to take any more, so once there I slapped an ice pack on the knee.  Well, it was a bag of frozen mixed vegetables, but that’s what those things were created for, isn’t it?  I worked a few crossword puzzles and dozed, and after a while – a long while - I couldn’t feel my knee any more.  So I put the ice pack away and managed to fall into a somewhat fitful sleep.  I still woke up at 6 a.m. as usual, though.  I stayed in my chair for about 30 more minutes, trying to return to slumber, but that effort was useless.  Sigh.  I suppose I’ll just have to attempt a nap later is I can.  Fire department program as well as home group tonight.  Oh, and at some time I’ll have to go pick up the car from the shop.  Guess I better get started …

Psalms 112:1 says, “Praise the Lord.  Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands.”

Father, thank you for the relief that ice pack brought.  Amazing how the simple things you thought to create turn out to be just what we need.  Amen.

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