Saturday, April 28, 2018

April 28 – “WooWoo”

I really like our bank.  It’s not a national chain that treats everyone as a series of numbers (We’ve had an account at one of those before).  Local operation that cares about the area because they live here.  They have always been very helpful in setting up accounts and answering questions that have otherwise stumped us for one reason or another.  They are the same bank Seaside uses, too.

Our particular branch office is very much into decorations as well.  Every season they see as an excuse to gussy up the place (Ever heard that expression?  My Nannie - that would translate into grandmother, not aux pair – said it all the time.  We’d get “all gussied up for church,” so I assume it means decorated.  At least that’s how I’d feel after getting all my “church clothes” on).  Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day – all chances for decorating the workplace.  But my favorite of all came when the Astros were in the World Series.  They were all about all things Astro. 

Now apparently yesterday was the day to celebrate, well, nothing.  No banners.  No poster.  No face painting.  But … the lady who helped me out was wearing some buttons.  One was just her nametag.  I didn’t really pay attention to the second one.  I think it was advertising loans or something.  It was the third one that caught my attention.  The top half was innocuous enough.  Just the name of the bank, basically.  But a piece of white tape had been attached across the bottom, and printed on that tape were the words, “WooWoo” (or would that be just one word?).  Intrigued, I said nothing at first.  She asked me how I was doing and I said, “Just fine.”  Typical small talk.  But then she apparently forgot that she had already asked me, and this conversation followed.
Her: “So how are you doing?”
Me (After a pause to actually garner her attention): “I was just pondering something.”
Her (Abruptly stopping work on my transaction): “What are you pondering?”
Me: “I was just wondering, are you a particular fan of Josh Reddick, or are you just really happy to be working at this bank?”
Her (Obviously totally lost at my comment): “Um.  What do you mean?”
Me: “I noticed you have “WooWoo” on your nametag there.  That’s kind of the catch phrase for a guy on the Astros named Josh Reddick.  I thought maybe you were a fan club member or something.”
Her (Now beet red embarrassed): “Oh my co-worker did that.  See, I always just say “WooWoo,” and he put that on my pin.”
Me (Knowing immediately which guy she was referring to): “Ah, that guy.  Now I understand.  He’s a big Astros fan.  And he’s apparently a fan of yours a swell.”
Her: “Um.  Well, thank you, Mr. Vaughan.  Here’s your receipt.”
Me (Tossed over my shoulder as I walk away): “Thank you, WooWoo.”
Her (With a very loud sigh): “I’m taking this off of here right now.”

I love my bank.

Psalms 56:3-4 says, “When I am afraid, I will trust in you.  In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid.  What can mortal man do to me?”

Father, give WooWoo a great day today.  She has earned it.  Amen.

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