Friday, April 27, 2018

April 27 – “Survival”

We survived a three mile walk yesterday morning.  Well, I guess I should reserve such “survival” talk for myself.  Chris did fine, as usual.  She is really focused when we get out on our walks.  I’m certainly impressed.  My knee did some barking during that last mile or so (we have been going two miles, so this was a milestone in our training regimen), but between the three of us (me and two knees) we made it through.

Talk about a survivor … we were overjoyed to see Mrs. Betty back at home group last night after a bout with illness for the last two weeks.  She is our almost-ninety year old who still works one day a week at a lab at UTMB.  She was Mom’s best friend for many, many years, and has become a good friend of Chris’ as well.  We really appreciate her insight and wisdom and especially the stories she brings to the group.

Chris has hit the Harry Potter series again in her travels through Book Reading Land.  She rotates between three or four series.  Eragon.  The Chronicles of Narnia.  The Lord of the Rings.  Divergent.  The Looking Glass Wars.  The Hunger Games.  And of course she might throw a Ted Dekker book in there for good measure.  Oh, and her favorite book of all time, Redeeming Love.  Reads them all, then swoops back through for another pass.  I decided to try to keep up with her on the Harry Potter series this time, but I’m already a book or two behind.  It doesn’t look good for me surviving the race.  I think I may just pull out the movies and catch up that way.  Not as good as the books, but they sure go faster. 

Psalms 55:22 says, “Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall.”

Father, thank you for Mrs. Betty.  She is sure an inspiration to our home group and to lots of others a swell.  Amen.

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