Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April 30 - “Guardians of the Girl”

After a few short hours of sleep yesterday we forced ourselves out of bed so we could continue with our duties as Guardians of the Guys.  Nathan and Cailyn agreed to stick around for the day and take care of Mom so we could go pick up Jachin, Micah, and Josiah and take them so meet their new baby sister.  Christina’s sister had spent the night at their house so we could be at the hospital for the birth.   By the time we arrived around ten o’clock the boys had eaten breakfast and were dressed and ready to go. 

I texted Kel from outside the door to get the video cameras rolling.  He got it and had his cell phone camera running when the boys entered the room.  Very cute sight.  A nurse was just about to give the baby her first bath, so the band of big brothers got to watch.  Jachin did his best to appear cool and nonchalant.  Micah seemed torn between following the actions of his big brother or throwing himself into full-on rapt attention.  Josiah completely ignored the two boys, however.  He positioned himself as close as possible to the crib and started talking to the tiny child stretched out before him.  Once given assurances from Mommy that it was all right, he cautiously touched, then gently stroked her while talking to her in a voice that mimicked one he had no doubt heard often himself, cooing softly and assuring her that all was well. 

Cameras at the ready it finally came time for Mom and Dad to do the official introductions.  Now Kel had already said that if the delivery was stalled until the anniversary date of the release of Star Wars (one day this week), the baby’s name would have been Leia for sure.  Christina was sure glad she didn’t last that long).   But the time had come.  Kel got everyone’s attention.  “This is your baby sister, Noa Rae Vaughan,” intoned Dad.  By then Micah had pretty much abandoned all efforts at coolness and was firmly entrenched with Josiah in the loving big brother camp.  The two of them grinned shyly and returned to the business of staring and stroking the little one. 

Jachin was obviously disappointed with the name.  He wanted Rachel or better yet, Iris.  He found out that Iris means Rainbow, so he thought that would be a very cool name.  Kel hastened to tell him the story of the girl Noa in the Bible.  In Numbers, when Moses was talking about dividing up the Promised Land among the Israelites, he received some visitors.  The five daughters of a guy named Zelophehad (OK, I looked it up, but Kel couldn’t remember the guy’s name, either) came to Moses with a problem.  Their father had died on the journey and they had no brothers.  They had no other family at all, apparently.  The land was being apportioned to the male members of each tribe, so that meant they would be left out in the cold entirely.  That was just not fair.  To his credit Moses did the proper thing.  He prayed.  And God responded by agreeing with the girls.  In fact he issued a decree that essentially became one of his laws: In situations like these where there is no male heir, the property will be transferred to the nearest relative, even if she is a female.  Nice job, Noa.  That story is in Numbers 27:1-11.  Oh, and by the way, Joshua followed through for them when they conquered the land.  Noa and her sisters made their way to him and reminded him of God’s promise, and he saw to it that they got the inheritance of land.  Those girls were steadfast (that’s the nice word for stubborn) in standing up for the rights of those who were oppressed.  A fine, noble legacy to live up to, to be sure.

I’m not sure how much of an effect the story had on Jachin, but it didn’t take long for his big brotherly instincts to kick in, and he was asking for his turn at holding her.  Chris told him he should choose one his favorite names and use it as a sort of pet name for his sister.  I honestly don’t think it will take long for him to forget his disappointment.  After all, he has a young charge to take care of for the next eighteen years or so.  Rest assured, Noa.  Big Brothers have got your back.  The Guardians of the Girl are officially on duty.

Psalms 89:7-8 says, “In the council of the holy ones God is greatly feared; he is more awesome than all who surround him.  O Lord God Almighty, who is like you?  You are mighty, O Lord, and your faithfulness surrounds you.”

Father, give those boys wisdom and discernment as they watch over their little sister.  Oh, and give her patience with them.  I’m afraid she’s gonna need it.  Amen.

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