Tuesday, April 16, 2013

April 16 – “To sleep, perchance to …”

Cailyn was over yesterday, and after a trip to the library with Nani she was obviously sleepy.  She comes by that honestly, though.  Trips to libraries and book stores have always made Chris incredibly sleepy as well.  I don’t get sleepy.  I get excited.  Always have liked to be around books.  The subject matter that thrills me has changed over the years.  As a kid I think I read every book in the Rosenberg library that was even remotely related to baseball.  I was especially interested in the old-timers and their personal stories.  You know, the goofy things they did in the dugout and how they were raised.  That’s how I was introduced to the pro player who probably had the most influence on my life, albeit indirectly.  Billy Sunday.  He was a drunk, but a really good baseball player.  One day he found himself in a ditch listening to a band playing in a church.  He went inside, became a Christian, and was never the same.  He started preaching and made a name for himself for all the weird antics he would pull during sermons – like sliding into the pulpit to illustrate that the only way to be safe with God is through a personal relationship with Jesus.  It took me years to understand that concept and apply it to my own life, but Billy Sunday planted the seed.  The sermon that actually grabbed my attention enough that I was forced to respond to it, began with a story about Billy Sunday.  And the rest, as they say, is history.  Well, my history.

Wow, was that ever a digression from Cailyn being sleepy.  We did finally convince her to take a break and let me read her new library books to her.  I know that sounds like I’m a great Granddad and all, but you have to understand.  Early afternoons are not the greatest of all times for me to be still and quiet.  That’s about the time the second wave of my timed release rheumatoid arthritis pain medication activates.  If I slow down … I go down.  It is an even stranger feeling for me because I can hear myself reading the wrong words, and sometimes even adding words that make no sense, but I can’t really stop it.  I am for all intents and purposes, asleep.  That’s what happened yesterday.  Cailyn did her best to keep waking me up, and Chris even tried to intervene and offered to finish the story.  Cailyn would have none of that, however.  She loves her DadDad, right?  Either that or she gets a kick out of the strange things he says when he’s trying to read and sleep at the same time.  Cailyn finally suggested that we move from the floor to our bed.  Great move for me.  Not so much for her.  I began to wake up again, but unfortunately, she was beyond sleep by the time we settled in.  She tossed and turned for a few minutes, but it was hopeless.  She finally rolled out of bed, turned to me and announced, “My body is all shaped up now, DadDad.  I’m all done with rest time.”  And with that, off she frolicked. 

Hmm.  Read any good books lately?

Psalms 86:5 says, “You are forgiving and good, O Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you.”

Father, thank you for Billy Sunday and books and … naps.  Amen.

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