Saturday, September 3, 2011

September 3 – “Cousins’ sleepover”

Josh and Christi and Zak and Caleb arrived safely Thursday night, so yesterday was a flurry of activity around here.  The day started early enough.  I was up at my usual time, 6:00.  And somewhere between the Houston Chronicle and the middle of my blog entry I noticed a tiny bit of movement out of the corner of my eye.  Caleb was on the move.  I'm not sure he was completely awake – he's the two-year-old, by the way.  I followed him into the den where he sat on the floor looking perplexed.  I asked first if I could help him find something.  No response.  So I moved on to the serious questioning.  "Are you looking for the train?"  That did it.  His head cocked to the side.  The corners of his mouth turned up slightly.  And he slowly answered, "Uh-huh."  I walked him to the other side of the room where the train had been hiding from him.  Ah.  Quite a reunion.  He lay on the floor and cradled the train for a while.  And then he remembered something.  A light bulb went off in his head.  Suddenly he was wide awake and began jabbering so fast there was no way I could make out what he was saying.  Fortunately he repeated it over and over again, so I knew he was focused on whatever it was.  Finally I was able to grasp something about a train movie.  I thought he was telling me about a train video he had checked out from the library the last time we were in San Antonio.  But then he went over to our video case.  Whichever one it was, was apparently hidden within our stash.  That's when the light bulb went off in my head.  Of course.  The last time they were here he watched our own train movie at least twice.  The Polar Express.  So at 6:30, while Mommy and Daddy and everyone else slept, we watched a movie about a train.  Great way to start the day.
When Christi got up she told us about Caleb trying to get her attention one day.  As often happens, Mommy was quite busy, so he kept on calling.  Finally, exasperated, he cried out, Where's my Princess Mommy?"  She went right to him.  "Did you call for Princess Mommy, Caleb?"  "Uh-huh."  "Did you say that just because you knew I would come?"  "Uh-huh."  Josh proudly said, "My boys know how to work their mother." 
At one point in our travels around the island I heard the tail end of a conversation between Christi and Zakary (5 years old).  He had obviously asked her a question and she began the answer, "It's good for exfoliating …"  I thought, "It's good for what?"  And Zak was obviously in tune with my thought, because he quickly asked, "What's that mean?"  Good question, Zak. 
Last night was the big cousins' sleepover at Nani and DadDad's house.   There were sleeping bags all over the floor in the den, as Jachin and Micah spent the night.  We were guessing who would fall asleep first.  I guess Josiah won that one after a battle in the arms of Uncle Josh.  We weren't really including him, though.  We expected him to be out a lot sooner than he was, anyway.  So among the remaining group, who would it be?  Oh wait there is one gone.  It's Princess Mommy.  Do we count Christi?  Nah.  I was determined that my pick would come through, and he did.  Micah was next to succumb, followed shortly by Jachin.  That left Zak, who was feeling left out.  Chris volunteered to lay with him, and once she did, he drifted off quickly.  The rest of us joined them – though not in sleeping bags – soon after Kel and Christina returned for Josiah.  Great night.  Now for the big fish fry today and the block party at Seaside this afternoon.
Proverbs 25:11 says, "A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver."
Father, watch over our little guys today.  And teach us big guys to speak aptly.  Amen.

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