Monday, October 7, 2019

October 7 – “Yesterday vs The Joker”

We heard the final totals on Seaside’s fund-raiser for missions that happened on Saturday.  All those hot potatoes and pulled pork and sweet baked goods generated over $1400.  Not bad, Jamaica Beach folks.  Not bad at all.  Thank you all for being a part of this one.

 We had quite a few leftover potatoes and plenty of pulled pork, so we had an impromptu dinner on the grounds yesterday after church.  Lots of folks stayed, too.  Chris and I enjoyed our meal with two of the visitors to Galveston.  They were from San Antonio.  Well, one was originally from Guatemala by way of San Antonio.  The other was a student at Texas A&M.  He showed off his newly-acquired college ring.  That ring means a lot to those A&M students, so he has plenty to be proud of. 

I did something rather unusual in the afternoon.  I turned on the Houston Texans football game.  I don’t think I have seen one of their games all year.  Still haven’t seen all of one.  Yep, I confess.  There was some dozing going on.  I saw most of the game, though.  We tried watching some of the Dallas Cowboys game, too.  After the Packers scored twice in a row unanswered, we decided to try something different.  We watched the movie “Yesterday.”  That’s the one where a guy gets hit by a bus and when he wakes up nobody else in the whole world can remember the Beatles.  Or Harry Potter.  It was a fun take on that “what-if.”  It actually played pretty well as a romantic comedy, too.  Very light and easy to watch.  Unlike the movie our neighbors saw.  Cory and Janell went to the theater to take in “The Joker.”  They stopped by after and told us a little about it, being careful not to drop any spoilers on us.  Sounded like a pretty dark origin story of a character’s descent into madness.  I want to see it.  Chris?  Not so much.  Guess I’ll wait for the DVD.

James 4:17 says, “If anyone, then knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.”

Father, thank you for the folks who donated to our missions effort on Saturday.  Bless them for that. Amen.

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