Friday, March 31, 2023

March 31 - “Genetics”

Chris hit the ground running yesterday. Well, not literally running. She had another doctor appointment at 8 a.m. Way too early for her preference.


While she was gone, I sat out on the back porch and made palm crosses. I got up to about 40 of them before she got home. I’ll offer them on Sunday at church. I have been asked to teach the kiddos Sunday how to make the palm crosses. I’ll have some palm fronds with me as well for them to fold and twist into the right shape. Should be fun.


At ten we had to figure out how to get on a Skype call on the computer for a telehealth conference. As it turned out, all we had to do was click on their email link. That allowed us to enter the conversation without much difficulty. Well, if you don’t count the fact that he had to teach us how to turn on the camera.


The conversation was with a guy from the genetic testing department. He was really engaging and imparted a great deal of knowledge and encouragement. Basically, Chris has to go into the lab for a blood draw to get it tested. That’s happening this morning, so more to come on this note in ten days or so.


If I have figured correctly, the only medical thing we have left before Hawaii is the CT scan on my back Sunday afternoon. Gotta admit … I’m kinda looking forward to Monday.


James 4:17 says, If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesnt do it, it is sin for them.”


Father, thanks for the refreshing time with our home group last night. Gonna miss them over the next month or so. Amen.


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