Wednesday, March 29, 2023

March 29 - “Back news”

Well … the neurosurgeon said we should do everything possible to avoid doing a surgery, because my back is so screwed up that it will just open another can of worms. Any surgery he does may relieve one pain, but it will probably open up another one and eventually lead to a major surgery that will require fusing my whole back and make even simple tasks difficult, if not impossible. Plus, it will have a pain of its own. Sounds pretty bleak, right? He did see one possibility, though.


First of all, he clarified to me that there are two distinctively different things going on in my back. One is the general pain in my lower back. That is what the pain doc is targeting.  The second is a definite impingement in my thoracic area.

He ordered a CT Scan to determine if that pinching he is seeing in the thoracic area (that would be causing my specific symptoms – numbness and ting-zinging) is being caused by a calcified disc or not. There is a chance he could do a similar operation to the one I had in my thoracic area that would relieve pressure on the nerve there.


He also communicated with the pain doc to see if he thinks a steroid injection to that nerve will bring relief. He also said he would see if the pain doc thought we should continue with the ablation (burning the nerve roots) plan in the lumbar region. He approved of the procedure if the pain doc thought it would help. 


Meanwhile, I should continue with the physical therapy exercises, and walk as I can. The bottom-line plan is to achieve pain control with as little surgery as possible.


And on a “that was unexpected” note, I have already received calls from the pain doc’s nurse as well as the radiology department.  I have appointments for a CT scan on Sunday afternoon. The next pre-ablation (I like my new word that means nerve-burning) shots in the back will be after we get back from Hawaii. 


Oh, and the neurosurgeon ended our session with this command: “Go. Have a great trip.” So … Hawaii next week. 


Psalms 23:4 says, Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.”


Father, sounds like these docs could use some of that supernatural wisdom you have floating around. Could you shed some light on them?  Thanks. Amen. 

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