Saturday, March 25, 2023

March 25 - “THE appointment “

Our day yesterday centered around Chris’ appointment with the breast cancer surgeon. We didn’t do much of anything in the morning. Well, we did walk. And Chris watered her flowers. That’s an ordeal in itself.


The appointment was for 3 p.m., and it lasted no less than two and a half hours. Fortunately for us, April was able to go with us. That provided an extra set of medically trained ears to hear the plethora of information they dumped on us.  In a nutshell, the doc affirmed the radiology report that there is a lump and it is very small (maybe 5 millimeters) and slow growing.


Because of Chris’ family history of cancer, the first step will be to redo some genetic testing she did back when her Mom was diagnosed.  The testing has come a long way since then, and research has discovered several other genes that are cancer markers.


And then comes surgery.  The doc assured us that we should go on to Hawaii and have a great time.  At this point she will do a lumpectomy at the end of April unless the genetic test reveals something that would make a mastectomy the better choice. They will also take some tissue from the nearest lymph node to make sure nothing is growing there.  Because of Chris’ cardiac issues, they will be extremely cautious with post-op, essentially extending it to six weeks. That does mean we won’t be able to go on the Alaska mission trip, but we really liked the doctor and trusted her caution.


Further follow-up questions will remain up in the air until after the genetic testing and then the surgery. Radiation at this point appears unlikely because of Chris’ age (Yep.  They really did pull the “at a certain age” card) and cardiac problems. At this point chemo is a remote possibility, but more likely there will be some form of hormone treatment.


Galatians 5:24 says, Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.

Father, thank you for a doctor who we trusted right off. And thank you for April’s presence and encouragement. Amen. 


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