Wednesday, March 22, 2023

March 22 - “Steady hands, keen minds, and caring hearts”

We were up very early yesterday. I had to wake Chris at 5 a.m. since she was going with AnnaGrace and Josh and Christi to the hospital for Sugarmuffin’s surgery. I had home duty - hang out with the boys. Luke did wake up before they left, but he went back to bed. I prayed some. Pretty much this: “Father, please give those doctors steady hands, wise minds, and caring hearts.  And give Mommy and Daddy and Nani peace of mind.”


I finished my blog post, then had to restart the computer. Yahoo wouldn’t let me get to my mail page. Something about clearing cookies. I ran that option from Settings, but it didn’t seem to do any good. So, the next best option with computers is always … turn it off and back on again. Of course then I got the infamous screen: “Getting Windows ready. Don’t turn off your computer.”  I decided to just let it run to see how long that would take. How’s this? No less than 54 minutes. It worked. Sort of. It was very slow, but everything loaded that wouldn’t before. Until I started excavating a bit. I turned on several of the programs and apps I use a lot. Slow at best. Then I lost all the words. Since I don’t know what the icons mean by themselves, I had to restart again. No code blue this time. Gotta love/hate computers.


AnnaGrace came through the surgery with flying colors. Her arm was sore, of course, but everything went as expected. She settled in on the couch with Mom and munched on some crackers and juice so she could take her first round of meds.


After some great pizza, we decided that all was going good enough for us to head home. Just for fun, I convinced Chris to take an alternate route through the countryside to see if we could see some more bluebonnets. They have been all over the place up here. The very first sight we saw? A huge pink pig in the back of a pickup truck. We did see more bluebonnets and some different scenery before we hit our same Buc-ees from a different direction. The rest of the trip home was uneventful, if you dismiss the typical traffic jam in downtown Houston.


Now I have to digress a little in my description of events. All of the drama and concern over AnnaGrace leapt to the forefront, as it should have. But there was one other highly significant event that occurred the night we arrived. I joined Zak and Caleb and Luke for a trip over to Target to pick up an order Christi had called in. Nothing special about that, right?  Oh, but there was. And I actually had a whole six-point paragraph prepared to tell about it in detail (Hmm … Maybe I could send it to Zak personally…) But I decided it would be the better part of valor for me to simply say that I had the joy of meeting the young lady who Zak currently calls his girlfriend.  Very sweet girl.  I gave my wholehearted approval when I found out she likes black licorice jelly beans.


Psalms 139:13-14 says, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mothers womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.


Father, thank you for watching over that surgery. Now would you make the healing process go quickly and smoothly. Amen.

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