Friday, March 10, 2023

March 10 - “The Jesus Revolution”

It was a loud and crazy household yesterday. Actually, it started rather calmly, but as soon as Christina arrived with some more kids, the noise level - and the fun level - rose dramatically. There were kids everywhere, they weren’t even all there. Jachin was in school. Micah was going to the rodeo. The rest of them found a way to be goofy, though. Noisy, too.


Chris had her last follow up for her eye surgery in the afternoon. They also measured her for some new glasses. Should be here in about two weeks. I’m really excited that she’ll be able to see again. Especially when we go to Hawaii.


Last night I received a real treat. Josh asked me to go to the movies with him. Caleb went, too. And what would make this three-generation outing so significant?  The movie we saw was The Jesus Revolution, a true story about the movement back in the late 60’s and early 70’s that led so many teenagers and young adults in their early 20’s - and yes, a bunch of hippies - to come to Jesus. And yes, I was personally a part of that revolution. You can place me in whichever group you choose or create a new one with just me in it, but I did find Jesus. That’s the bottom line. And that was the bottom line during that Revolution - it is all about Jesus.


We saw Kelly Used-to-be-Boyer and her new husband there. They were enjoying the show with their life group. Kelly and Caleb and Josh made essentially the same comment after the movie. “That sure explains a lot about the Seaside Church I knew over the years.”  Good movie.


Luke 16:10 says, Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very little will also be dishonest with much.”


Father, thank you for the three-generations movie experience last night. Pretty special to enjoy that with my son and grandson. Amen.


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