Friday, May 27, 2022

May 27 – “Dreaming …”

We started off the day with a two and a half miler.  Of course we just walked, but if I leave out that one tiny detail, it makes us look really good.  We probably could have made the three miles, but my hip (latest ailment of aging) was really bothering me. 


Back at the house, I did some work on home group stuff.  I am trying to find words and lyrics (in the form of music videos we can sing along with) to some more songs.  I also cleaned out the videos file we have been working from.  It had some duplicates as well as some that wouldn’t play on our computer any more.  No idea why.  I just deleted them and found another version that would play.  Easy fix.


Later in the day I took a few minutes to tut in some more puzzle pieces.  By the time the afternoon was over, Chris had finished the whole round puzzle.  Nice job, Chris.  Interspersed in there, Chris did the bulk of the house cleaning for our home group company.  I broke free in time to do the vacuuming, though.  My contribution, and favorite part of housework, I might add.  It is included in the list that I’m supposed to avoid when my back acts up, though.  and it does bother me.  Maybe that back surgeon knew what he was talking about?  Nah.


I had a great dream last night.  Really good one for all you dream interpreters out there.  Me and a friend found a little wiener dog (That’s what we called it in the dream.  Dachshund, of course) abandoned up in a tree where we got our evaporated milk.  We decided that if we were going to do our gathering of evaporated milk from the trees business with one evaporated milk company, since we are climbing the trees anyway, then we might as well do business with all three companies.  Guess we had a pretty successful company, huh?  How’s this for a name: DEM - Dachshund Evaporated Milk?


John 20:21 says, “Again Jesus said, ‘Peace be with you!  As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’”


Father, please be with Josh and Christi and their kiddos over in Florida.  Help them to have a great time at Disneyworld.  Amen.

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