Saturday, May 21, 2022

May 21 – “The Hole …”

We started our day outside again.  We had some more yard work to get done.  I was tasked with mowing and sweeping.  No edging needed this time.  But before I even started, I stepped in a hole.  Down, down, down I fell, until I hit the bottom with a thump.  Where was I?  What could this place be that had existed under my own backyard for so many years without my having a clue it was there?  As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I began to make out faint shapes all around me.  And then … a movement, just there!  And another, over there!  And whatever it was appeared to be getting closer and closer.  I admit that I was getting more than a little bit scared.  I held out my arms to fend off any attack by these … whatever they were.  And then it happened.  A flash of light so brilliant that it knocked me off my feet entirely.  And then … well, I digress from my original tale.  Maybe this one can continue later.


So, the hole in the back yard … It was not in a surprise location.  I’m pretty sure it was another old root of the pecan tree that stood for so long there.  As the years pass, these old roots rot away. Leaving a long hole in their stead.  We went back to Home Depot and bought some topsoil to fill it in.  And while we were there, Chris got some more potting soil for some plant she wanted to repot.  And before we could leave with that, she found some kind of pot-shaped mossy-looking things that you plant stuff in for hanging baskets.  And since she had some of those now, she had to also get a few more plants to put in them.  Add those to the pile of dirtbags.  And on the final leg to the checkout stand, I happened to notice a fresh shipment of random vegetable plants.  Can’t pass those up.  She nabbed a tomato and a bell pepper.  Still, not very much in the grand scheme of things.  I’m sure the cashier was wondering why we needed so much dirt for so few plants.  She didn’t ask, but I had an answer all ready.  “Preparing for the future, right?”


Back at the house I got the hole filled and the ground a little closer to being level, do the nearby pavers wouldn’t collapse beneath the feet of small (or not-so-small) human traffic.  Then I joined Chris in her crusade against runaway growth by a bush on the back fence, as well as weeds in the back fence flower bed.  We got about half-way before the heat got to be too much for us.  Besides it was lunchtime.  And after that we had company coming.


The first visitor was the guy from the bug company.  Or I guess we should call it the Anti-bug Company.  He gave us our first-of-the-summer roach spraying.  He was supposed to also spray the whole yard for ants (we have been invaded by those critters).  He faced a problem, though.  He said there was too much wind to be able to spray the yard.  We would have to reschedule for next week sometime.  Hmm.  There is always wind in Galveston.  Wonder how they determine what is too much. 


When he left, we made a quick trip to Randall’s before our next guests arrived.  Had to pick up some prescriptions.  And I found a little one-serving tub of fully loaded baked potato soup.  Great supper. 


Those next guests arrived later in the afternoon.  Noa and Ezra were spending the night with us.  Older brothers were staying with friends, so Mom and Dad wanted to go on a date.  Actually, Micah and Josiah had to be at karate at 6:30, and Jachin and Christina had to be at HBU by 7:30.  Kel also had a karate class somewhere in there.  In essence, we were assisting with logistics.  Kel will come pick up the little guys today and leave behind Josiah.  No particular reason why, other than we live across the street from his good friend Brennan. 


With the Littles, we made a trip over to the playground for about an hour.  Then I settled in to watch the Astros game while they had baths.  After family worship, they headed to bed.  I think the Astros’ bats followed them.  They were sure napping.  Good guys lost 3-0.  Guess I’ll be hearing from my Texas Rangers fan friend up north. 


Hebrews 4:16 says, “Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.”


Father, thank you for our evening with Noa and Ezra.  Give them (and Chris) a little more sleep.  Amen.


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