Wednesday, June 9, 2021

June 9 – “Stinky Garbage Day”

Chris and I were back on the road again yesterday.  Oh, wait.  Not that kind of “on the road.”  I mean we did our three-mile walk … on the road … in our neighborhood.  It was Stinky Garbage Day.  Do you have one of those in your neighborhood?  Always a blessing, to be sure.  And when I say, “stinky garbage,” I mean stinky garbage.  Some of those trash bins can smell really ripe on their once-a-week pilgrimage to the street.  Phew.  We did get to say hi to several neighbors, though.  Oh, and the crew hanging on the back of the heavy trash pickup truck.  They always seem to get a kick out of an acknowledgment from a passing old guy. 


Most of the day for me was spent in front of the computer.  I am trying to get ahead on my week-to-week stuff because we are going to take a flying trip up to Waco on Friday to see AnnaGrace perform in her very first ballet recital.  It is also Zak’s birthday, so we get to see him as well.  That’s just reason one for the working ahead.  I guess a bigger situation looming before me is children’s camp in just under two weeks.  No computer work at all that week.  In fact, I’m never even sure if their internet connection will be strong enough to allow for posting my blog.  All of that means I need to get about three weeks of work done this week.  Yay.


Last night we went up to LaMarque.  I know.  Grand trip into Texas.  We went up there to hang out with Josiah, Noa, and Ezra while their older brothers went to youth group and Dad had an MRI on his neck.  Kel has had a chronic crick in his neck, and they are trying to rule out a pinched nerve.  Lots of localized pain, but none of the typical symptoms of a pinched nerve.  That sort of pain I certainly understand … three or four times over.  Maybe it’s just a function of a mailbag hung over his shoulder for eight or ten hours a day.  We’ll see. 


Psalms 100:4-5 says, “Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.  For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”


Father, would you help the docs figure out what is going on with Kel’s neck so he can get some relief?  Amen.

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