Thursday, February 13, 2020

February 13 – “That counts …”

Well, didn’t I have the most marvelous day yesterday.  I spent the bulk of it working on getting our income tax ready to send to the accountant.  WooHoo.  Who doesn’t love wading through all the receipts and records from the past year and seeing how much you spent?  Of course that also means you get to do a little reminiscing in there as well.  It inspired Chris to get her vacation journal out and read to me about all the places we have been to over the past two years.  We have had quite the run.  Not finished yet, though.  We hope to make a jaunt to Pennsylvania to touch base with some good friends up there.  And there are still a few Texas National Parks to visit.  That would be actual US National parks that are in Texas.  Texas does have some national parks of its own.  They just have to call them state parks now.  I think the closest day trips are the park on Padre Island and another near Brownsville.  Hey, I said “closest,” not actually “close.”  This is Texas we are talking about. 

Chris went to the doctor yesterday.  New one.  Seems since she hasn’t been in three years she is considered a new patient.  Fortunately she likes this one, though.  And I already do, too.  She has a combined specialty in family as well as sports medicine.  Oh what was the problem?  Her leg has been giving her fits.  Shooting pain down the outside all the way to her ankle.  Sore leg?  Nope.  It’s her lower back.  She has disk issues pinching a nerve.  Sounds way too familiar to me.  Welcome to my world. 

So now Chris gets to go to physical therapy to learn how to exercise for her back.  Hey, I have a thought.  Maybe we can go together.  Of course.  That could be our date night for Valentine’s Day.  That would count, wouldn’t it?  Physical therapy date night … how much more romantic can you get?

Philippians 2:5 says, “In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”

Father, I would sure like it if Chris didn’t have to go through all the stuff with her back that I have with my neck and back.  Please walk with her.   Amen.

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