Wednesday, February 12, 2020

February 12 – “Here goes …”

The middle of February.  It’s just about that time again.  No, I’m not talking about Valentine’s Day, although you guys probably shouldn’t forget about that one.  I’m talking about preparing all of this box full of stuff for … income tax.  Never a happy time.  Oh, sometimes it results in a tiny taste of joy, when you realize you might actually get something back, or you don’t have to pay as much as you feared.  But getting all the stuff ready?  Not so much in the fun department.  But, here goes …

I did work on the sermon for Sunday.  That kind of goes without saying.  It’s an everyday thing every week, at least for a little while each day.  Those Greek words don’t translate themselves.  Well, they kind of do when you use a short-cut interlinear Bible program.  But you still have to put them in some sort of semi-cohesive structure to talk about.  And then there’s the life application.  Kind of the whole point.  So, here goes …

Oh, I helped Chris a little with her latest quilt project.  No, I didn’t do anything invasive like thread a needle or poke a needle through fabric.  And no, I didn’t go anywhere near the sewing machine.  I just helped spread out the offending quilt and get it lined up for whatever the next phase of the project will be.  Don’t ask any more questions beyond that.  I won’t know the answer.  But she appears ready to move on with it, so, here goes …

Have you tried the broom challenge yet?  I first saw it when some of the fire department guys posted a picture online.  Now it’s all over Facebook.  The idea is to stand your broom up all on its own like it is under some kind of Harry Potter spell or something.  I tried it.  Massive fail.  Guess I didn’t get it leaned in the right direction to line up with the earth’s angle of rotation on its axis.  Either that or, as Chris opined, the bottom of our broom is a hot mess that even Dumbledore couldn’t get to stand up.  But maybe if I try one more time.  Here goes …

Psalms 105:1-2 says, “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done.  Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of his wonderful acts.”

Father, for some reason I feel a need to pray for my fire department guys this morning.  Watch over the ones on shift.  Take care of their families.  And be with the ones who have a few days off.  Help them to use it to connect with their families and get some rest.  I love those guys, and I know you do, too.  Amen.

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