Wednesday, August 17, 2016

August 17 – “Happy birthday, Chris!”

Yep.  Today is my lovely wife’s birthday.  Not saying how old she is.  Just that she is forever younger than me.  And prettier.  And way better at sewing/quilting.  Oh, and cooking.  She’s unbeatable in the kitchen.  And she likes to drive, so that means I rarely have to anymore.  That’s a real plus.  And she knows her medical stuff.  It’s always been great to be married to a nurse.  She reads a lot.  C.S. Lewis.  J.R.R. Tolkein.  Harry Potter.  That’s what she’s usually doing when I watch TV or a movie.  She stands out as a top-notch hostess, too.  Every week she welcomes our home group with cookies and a very … very clean house.  I don’t know how excited she was about it at first, but she has certainly become a consummate pastor’s wife.  Don’t know what I would do in that whole pastor-category without her.  And she handles drama and adversity with strength and character.  Oh, sometimes it’s greased with a few tears, but somehow they just seem to help in the whole process.  I don’t mind sharing a shoulder.  She has certainly loaned me her ear many times when I needed to talk something out.  Of course that was after she patiently waited for to come out of my cave …

I think Chris did a right decent job at raising our three boys, but you’d have to ask them about that one.  Or maybe look at how they turned out (A little more pressure that way).  She seems to have a pretty good relationship with her three daughters-in-law.  They can sure talk a lot when they all get together, anyway.  She can’t say “no” to the grandkids.  Well, wait a minute.  That would be me that can’t say no.  She always knows when to say no and when to turn them loose.  Suffice it to say that this lady is a true gift from God, not just to me, but to a lot of other folks as well. 

1 Corinthians 9:24 says, “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.”

Father, thank you for the gift you gave me 41 plus years ago.  You knew just what I needed, then and now.  Chris has sure earned her prize.  Amen.

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