Monday, August 15, 2016

August 15 – “My birthday, 2016”

Here is my shotgun word of appreciation for all of the “Happy Birthday's” I received yesterday. I do wish I could say thank you in person to everyone.  That, however, would necessitate a trip from Colorado to Florida.

That is a copy of what I posted earlier on FaceBook.  As I have pondered it since then I have come to realize that the scope of my journey might be just a tad bit more involved.  Now bear with me for a moment.  I have to do some summarizing so that these comments may be forever embedded in blogging history for my children to peruse long after I am gone and realize that I really wasn’t such a bad dude after all.

Oh, my day was nice.  Someone brought a birthday cake to church, so we got to have a little party there.  After church we went to Salsa’s for lunch with some friends.  Then Chris hurried over to the fire department union hall for Cailyn’s Brownie advancement ceremony.  I settled in to watch some Astros baseball and have a piece of chocolate pie.  That is, until I got a text from Nathan informing me that Dad’s and Grandads were expected at the girl’s only Brownie thing after all.  Seems when we get old we no longer count as “boys.”    I was happy to go, though.  And back to back home runs by the BlueJays had nothing to do with my decision.  After the ceremony we came home and I finally got to settle into my chair.  We watched the Olympics instead of the Astros, though.  More USA victories that way.

As my gaze wandered between the tv screen and checking my birthday wishes I became more and more amazed at the wide array of people who consider me at least a  FaceBook-level friend.  I did a breakdown …

There were wishes from my Family, of course. 
And many folks from the different churches we have been associated with over the years:  Grace Episcopal in Galveston,  University Hills in Colorado, South Oaks in Arlington, Langwood in Houston, First Baptist in Galveston, and of course Seaside in Jamaica Beach. 
I also got to re-live some personal history.  I received good wishes from folks I knew in: Little League, Junior high football, Ball High friends, High school basketball, Church softball, College days, Seminary days, an old neighbor, and even a few of Mom’s friends. 
I appreciated the words from some of the other places that have provided me with different “hats” as well: The Galveston Fire Department is always special.  So is the Jamaica Beach Volunteer Fire Department.  I have a friend or two in the EMS Service as well.  The police department gets a nod in there, as does the Village of Jamaica Beach.  Oh, and there were many comments from folks I have met and befriended while coaching basketball.

But back to geography.  I think I have accumulated all the different places people “Happy Birthday’d” me from.  This would have to be my “Thank You Trip” itinerary:
Florida, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Nebraska, Washington State, Alaska, Oklahoma, Missouri, New Mexico, Virginia, Louisiana, Minnesota, Arkansas, Indiana, and South Carolina.  Now that’s a pretty involved tour of the U.S., don’t you think?  Well I have to add one more, just to make this trip interesting.  Thank you to AL and Krissy who wished me well from their home in Australia.  Chris … are you ready for a LONG plane ride? 

I got a big kick out of the monkey face, the ugly Christmas sweater photo (I WILL wear that thing this Christmas), and the Morgan Freeman face.  I even enjoyed the little bantering about that cat growing in a flower pot – from the Boyer family, of course.  I always knew cats were strange creatures.  I just never realized they grew in flower pots until yesterday.  Maybe if we sold flower pot lids …? 
The most interesting one has to go to a college-era friend.  He sent this: “Terevy ‘ aiteke ko nde ara mbotyre.” Apparently it means, “happy birthday to you, in your joyous occasion.”  He said it was in Guarani, or Spanish that is spoken in Paraguay.  He was a missionary there, I think. 
Of course I appreciated the ones that downplayed the extensive nature of my “career” here on earth.  Like “39?” and “Happy birthday, youngen.” 
Then there was “Happy birthday and I hope you don’t have to work too hard.”  Smart aleck.  He knew it was Sunday. 
And I loved the one from Danny, a guy I worked in youth ministry with in Denver. He is now an incredibly successful pastor in Virginia.  His words encouraged me more than he will know … “Thanks for teaching me some stuff.”  Spoken just like a youth pastor, wouldn’t you say?

I’ll close with some of the blessings people sent:
“Every day of the year, may you feel Jesus near.”  (Janet likes to rhyme)
“May your day be filled with all you love.”  (Actually this came from several people)
“May the cake be perfectly squished.”  (Sigh … Connie, Connie, Connie.  It will always be YOUR cake that is smashed)
May there be many more years that you share your joy among us and with your family.  (Special words from a good man.  Thanks, Ernest)
And my all-time favorite birthday blessing of 2016 – one that I hope to take action on real soon … “May your bait catch more fish or die trying.”  (Corbin, you hit, Brother.  Let’s go catch some specs).

I love you all!

Proverbs17:17 says, “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.”

Father, please bless all these folks who wished blessing upon me.  Amen.

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