Saturday, March 9, 2013

March 9 – “Baby Update”

We had another opportunity be to take another close up and personal look at the amazing and beautiful creation of God now growing in the womb of our daughter-in-law Christina.  She is still gorgeous, of course.  Her three brothers spent the night with us the night with us the night before because the appointment for the ultrasound was at 8:00 A.M. in Houston.  That was just too early for them to drive down here and back up to the doctor’s office.  The pictures they have been getting are those three-dimensional ones that give you some sense of depth perception.  It is so different from looking at a plain old photograph.  Now we are having discussions about who she resembles before she ever makes into the outside world.  I thought it interesting yesterday that no one ever said she looked like Mommy or Daddy.  Every comparison was to one of the brothers.  I guess that is easier since they are already conglomerations of Mom and Dad’s characteristics.  I personally thought she looked like … a 3-D representation of a new-born baby.  See, I have no vision of what the others looked like at her age seared into my brain like the mothers apparently do.  I can barely remember who is who now, much less when they were tiny little creatures. 

And speaking of who they are, we also had another opinion offered as to what the baby’s name should be.  That is a unique situation with Kel and Christina.  Kel has always been adamant that they find out as soon as possible whether they child is a boy or girl.  The name they select, however, remains a family – well, a Mommy and Daddy - secret until he holds the baby up in the air and shouts “akuna metata” or something to that effect.  Actually, as far as I know he doesn’t do the shouting thing.  Or the holding above his head thing.  He does hold the baby out to us and introduce him (or her in this case) with the official name.  It makes it a really special occasion.  So back to the name.  Jachin is holding firm with his vote – Iris.  He discovered that the word means Rainbow, so that’s his choice.  Kel is rethinking his idea now that the due date has been moved to the first week in May.  Seems that the anniversary of the first release of Star Wars is that week.  We may have a tiny Princess Leia on our hands after all.  It was Cailyn who came through with a new option, though.  She has told me before that she wants the child to be named something along the lines of “Cailyn Too.”  I guess she is beginning to realize that would get confusing rather quickly, and she would probably get the blame for anything her younger counterpart attempted.  So yesterday she chose a new name.  “Noodles.”  Kind of has a ring to it, doesn’t it? 

Psalms 71:3 says, “Be my rock of refuge, to which I can always go; give the command to save me, for you are my rock and my fortress.”

Father, watch over that little one as she grows day after day.  Amen.

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