Sunday, March 24, 2013

March 24 – “Saturday stuff”

I finally heard back from my Uncle Jerry.  Actually the call came from his phone, but it was his son doing the calling.  Seems the reason I couldn’t find him at the hospital the other day was that he was being transferred into either surgery or ICU again.  He took a turn for the worse and they had to do surgery to remove part of his colon.  He now has a colostomy bag that they hope is temporary.  Two of his three children are in town, so he has had someone with him.  His son said Jerry was the one who suggested they call me.  That visit will be on my docket for Monday for sure.

I did get to watch some baseball yesterday.  Jachin and Micah both had their first games of the season.  I got to be the volunteer scorekeeper for Jachin’s game.  They did very well for a first game against the powerhouse team in the league.  They did lose 12 to 3, but Jachin made a stellar play at first.  He caught one of their guys stepping off the base and tagged him out.  The odd thing at Micah’s game was that they made the kids wear helmets even in the field.  I know it was t-ball, but I have never seen that requirement before.  Kel said he was going to look into it.  He is on the board of the league.  I don’t think they know what they got when they did that.  He will make a lot of noise until they get everything just right organizationally.

Chris and Mom went to a baby shower for Christina during the games.  It was at their church, which is next door to their house, so Chris had a backup plan in place in case Mom didn’t do well.  She made it OK, though.  I came on home after the games and finished adding some hardware pieces to the table we got from a friend.  Now we can lock the extender pieces in place without any noticeable gaps when we open up the table for company. 

Speaking of Mom, a home assessment nurse from Mom’s insurance company came over here the other day and stayed for over two hours.  She had to have all kinds of medical information before she even started interacting with Mom.  Mom did talk with her and smile a lot.  She even did pretty well on the test that is specifically for Alzheimer’s.  But she couldn’t remember any of the questions about the past, and she couldn’t even tell her how many kids she had.  It also hurt a bit when she couldn’t come up with my name.  I don’t know what will come of the interview, but we are praying for the best.

And now on to the preparations for Palm Sunday today.  I have the palm crosses made and ready to go.  Still deciding whether to take some palm branches for decoration.  Guess I’ll take a look at them when I get ready to leave.

Psalms 74:12 says, “But you, O God, are my king from of old; you bring salvation upon the earth.”

Father, come join us at church today.  And bring some of those folks you’ve been working on.  Amen.

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