Wednesday, December 7, 2022

December 7 - “The latest worm”

Chris went walking again. She’s trying to get back in her groove of going every day except Sunday. It was my day off (I work out every other day), so I stayed behind and worked on the carving I’m doing for her for Christmas. It’s one of those where I should just stop at some point. Every time I look at it, I see something else I shoulda done or coulda done.


I got sheared yesterday. Well, not totally sheared, I guess. But I did get a haircut. And Chris commented that she really liked the new length of my beard. I’m just happy that it will be cooler and not take so long to dry after a shower.


Just as we were leaving the house to pick up Chris’ c-pap machine (her latest “worm” from the can of worms that her body has become), she received a call from the ear doctor. Chris had called there earlier because ever since that test the other day, her ears have been aching and she has found blood in them. Today she said the right one even feels like there is something in there. They tried to work out getting her seen today, but because we were heading to Webster and they were in Galveston, they just said to watch it and be sure to keep her appointment next week. Unless, of course, it got worse, in which case they would get her in right away. Oh, and they never heard of anyone having such pain and bleeding after that particular test. Of course they haven’t. That’s my girl. Special.


On the way home we stopped at Hobby Lobby to get a gift. And lo and behold, what should be in the parking lot but … Luby’s. That bastion of the senior set. We HAD to head over for supper with the rest of the gray hairs for a true-blue senior citizen date night - at 4:30. Liver and onions. Yum.


Last night it was back up to the church to mark vendor sites in the worship center. We were gonna have to finish decorating upstairs as well, but Glen snuck in and finished it already. And Cathy said she would finish up the vacuuming, so what had all the makings of another long night suddenly didn’t seem so long.


Ephesians 6:18 says, And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”


Father, please help us figure out how to deal with this latest worm that got out of the can. Amen.

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