Friday, December 16, 2022

December 16 - “Back to Christmas”

We got up yesterday morning and made a snowman. Yep. Oh wait. Not that kind of snowman. It has been cold down here, but not snow-cold. This was a very special Frosty the Snowman for a very special event at the Reindeer Games - the church Christmas party. More about that later.


Chris took off shortly after Frosty’s completion. She had an appointment. Nope. Not with the doctor this time. This one was for a haircut with Suzann. The aftermath looks great, as usual.


Back to the Christmas party …

I’m pretty sure all who attended (30+ people) had a good time. The food room was packed to the gills with awesome Christmas treats, from brownies and pies to hot wings, Chris’ famous cheese ball, and even a charcuterie Christmas tree. No excuse to go home hungry after this one.


The games were a lot of fun. All that snow imported from the North Pole (aka marshmallows) provided the perfect backdrop for our Reindeer Games winter snow theme. All the volunteers were great sports, and I think they may have even had some fun themselves. I particularly enjoyed the 4 Calling Birds game. Contestants had to call someone off their contact list and convince them to make a sound like a bird, while on speaker phone, of course. Fun for us, head-scratching for the call-ee, I’m sure. And the winner only took three seconds.


Game winners all received a prize somehow related to snowmen. But the losing participants didn’t go away empty-handed. They each got a lump of coal (literally a hunk of chocolate candy molded to look like a lump of coal). 


As per usual, the Frosty’s Melting game proved to be the most “interactive “ of them all. Everybody gathered around one of three tables and assisted Frosty in his efforts to melt away. You know the game. Unwrap the ball while the next person in line rolls dice until he gets doubles. Then Frosty is passed on to the next person, and so on. And whatever you uncover as you unwrap is yours. We learned about who among us was the most competitive, that’s for sure. My favorite part about that activity, though? Had to be the spontaneous snowball fight with parts of Frosty (rolled up hunks of Saran Wrap).


Everyone went home with a fun gift through the white elephant exchange. And better than that … memories of a fun night with great friends. Anybody want to do it again?


Daniel 12:3 says, Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever.”


Father, thanks for the laughter and sharing and praying and caring I witnessed last night. Amen.


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