Friday, January 24, 2025

January 24 - “Indoors”

Chris had one of those medical appointments yesterday. Just a blood test in advance of her trip to the oncologist next week. She was very careful to avoid patches of ice along the way - both in the car and on foot. The only issue she had was with some of that cruise ship traffic. Carnival and Royal Caribbean were both in port. Oh, and she did have to wait at the lab longer than usual. They were trying to make up for the missed ice days. Lotta sticks. 

She did have an interesting adventure in the parking garage. As she was leaving, a couple and a younger man joined her in the elevator. She pushed her button for the 4th floor, and the other lady told her they were on floor 2.  New job there, Chris? Elevator operator. Used to be a thing. 

Chris complied and they started up. On floor 2, however, the other lady refused to exit. She was certain that they had parked “inside”.  Hmm. There is no “inside” parking at UTMB. They pushed floor 3 to check that one out. Nope. Still outside. At floor 4 Chris said, “Excuse me,” and made her way out. Not sure what became of Chris’ elevator mates. They said they were returning to the first floor to figure out where they parked - that was definitely indoors. Good luck with that. 

But Chris’ luck didn’t stop there. On her way to the car she was cold. Hunched over with hands in pockets cold. Suddenly, another lady appeared at her side (not the same one. I’m sure that lady was still looking for indoor parking). 

Coincidentally enough, though, this lady was also searching for her car. All she knew, though, was that she had parked in that garage. No idea what floor or where on the floor her car might be. So she was strolling around every floor, just looking at all the cars, hoping to stumble across her own. At least she wasn’t expecting it to be indoors …

Matthew‬ ‭13‬:‭44‬ says, The kingdom of heaven is like treasure, buried in a field, that a man found and reburied. Then in his joy he goes and sells everything he has and buys that field.

Father, thank you for that lady walking around looking for her car. That attitude was awesome. Bless her. Amen. 

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