Saturday, January 11, 2025

January 11 - “Worked like a charm”

We were back at this major Spring cleaning project. It’s beginning to feel never-ending. 

The first plan of attack had us back in Chris’ closet again. This time we installed the extra- support brackets for the clothes rod. It took a bit to discover the studs, but once that was done, we were golden. Chris finished up by rehanging all her clothes. 

Next we attempted the really hard project. The sliding closet doors in both of the spare bedrooms have been falling out of their supports regularly. The floor guide was obviously the culprit. Well, at least one of them. I ended up repairing the existing guide rather than installing the new one. I also had to tighten all the screws in the track for the wheels at the top of the doors. One was still hard to push, so I did what any knowledgeable homeowner would do. I sprayed it with WD-40. Worked like a charm. It’s a temporary fix, but it’s great to have the sense of urgency gone. 

Once we could slide the door open, we were able to file a lot of the photos and genealogy stuff Chris came across in her closet. I used some of the down time to box up several years’ worth of income tax papers. 

Christina and Jachin stopped by and chatted. Great to see that youngster turning into a fine young man. We are proud of you, Jachin. 

Last night we went to over to Ball High (my Alma mater) to watch Gavin play again. Interesting position to be in, huh? We sat on Santa Fe’s side of the bleachers. As it turned out, they needed all the cheering they could get. Ball High ended up winning by about 30 points. Tough one.

Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭20‬ says, For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there among them.

Father, be with those boys who lost so badly last night. Help them find a life lesson in it. Amen. 

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