Monday, January 6, 2025

January 6 - “Rocking”

We left a little early for church. That gave us time to drive to Bay Harbor to pick up Sam’s mail and to drop some things off at her house.

On the way back to the church, we were blessed to get to deliver an anonymous gift. Those are always the best kind. We get to encourage someone and give all the glory to God. Great fun. 

Speaking of fun, I got to join Chris in the nursery during church. Very sweet kiddos from a special family that has been coming to Seaside for many years. I managed to compliment one of the girls on the tinsel in her hair. Her little sister kind of adopted me. We rocked babies together (in our respective rocking chairs). She also brought me some play dough that became her favorite toy of the day. And her brother regaled me with tales of Legos gone by. Thanks, Kevin and Cheryl, for trusting us with your family. 

After church we stuck around to do what we could to help take down decorations. The hardest part was pulling down Christmas lights and untangling them from the garland they shared space with. Oh, and taking down Christmas trees. Pastor Kel was quite sad. The packing away meant he had to admit the season was done. So what’s next? Valentine’s Day? Mardi Gras?Spring Training?

Luke‬ ‭7‬:‭47‬ says, Therefore I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven; that’s why she loved much. But the one who is forgiven little, loves little.

Father, thank you for the chance to hang out with the Bell kids. Bless their family. Amen. 

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